We’re already on Facebook and Twitter. Now we’re on Foursquare!
What is Foursquare?
Foursquare gives you & your friends new ways to explore your city.
Earn points & unlock badges for discovering new things! Foursquare is available on the iPhone, Blackberry, Windows and Android devices.
They currently have over 8,000,000 users and are adding 35,000 new users every day. Over 250,000 businesses are using them.
How is BITE going to use Foursquare?
BITE now has its own brand page on Foursquare, located here. Simply login to Foursquare and click ‘Follow’ on our page and you will see any new tips we leave for pubs when you are out and about. We’re going to leave tips on all our BITE Premium Pubs so you know which are the best pubs to visit. Soon we hope to add a series of badges for you to collect when you check-in to pubs. Also, pub owners often run specials – free glasses of wine or a coffee between certain hours or perhaps things like 20% discount on your bar bill on your first check-in!
Make sure you install the app and use it when you are next out and see what local bars are already offering you! We’ll be sending over instructions to our BITE Premium Pubs about how they can benefit from Foursquare soon.
Partnering with Foursquare is a small step in what we’ve got coming soon on BITE…